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Sabbath lisätty 2019-09-20 07:35:05

Yo, Ldphilly I just read your comment and you got me so hard reading it I have to jerk off after I post this comment that's once in a lifetime experience and it had to be such a turn on and scary moment at the same time I just wish something like could have happened to me. Now I do hope you did again and she helped out this time

Ldphilly lisätty 2019-09-19 22:12:23

I've been in bimmf before I got this buddy I take care of a couple of times a month are girlfriends are friends. So I go over there place we are all on the couch and she looks over at me and said I heard you been sucking his dick now I'm in shock she is not mad but said I won't tell my girl but you got to give him head and let her watch she sits on the arm of the couch and the next thing you know I'm on my knees with his dick in my mouth she just sitting there not doing anything but locked eye contact with me witch I found hot so I finish him off cum all in mouth on the couch and she said that she didn't mind but all she wanted to do watch she never said anything to my girl but I know one thing if she makes me do that again she will have to help